Kids Birthday Parties

Forget musical chairs and drop pass the parcel. Here at Dorset Adventure Park we do parties a little differently.

Ah, the joys of kid’s birthday parties. We’ve all been there a thousand times, the indoor play centre, the bowling alley, or perhaps bravely opting to host yourself whilst 15 hyperactive kids gorge on sugar and bounce up and down on your new sofa, grubby hands marking those lovingly painted living-room walls. The awkward chit-chat between parents who decide they’d rather hang around and watch the kids play for two hours rather than seize the opportunity to spend the time actually doing something useful.

If the thought of a looming birthday party for your little ones brings you out in a cold sweat, why not try something a little different this year? Something that gets the kids out in the fresh air, gives them an opportunity to get active and burn off some of that pent-up energy, to work together as a team to overcome obstacles, and of course have an enormous amount of fun at the same time.  Conveniently, our children’s birthday party packages at Dorset Adventure Park offer the opportunity to do just that, whilst keeping your walls mercifully free from those grubby paw prints.

With two action-packed lakes full of fun and a 2km muddy assault course featuring over 50 obstacles, you’re guaranteed a whole lot of lakeside laughs. With several packages to choose from we can tailor the perfect party to suit your budget, or the interests of your group. We even provide adult party packages perfect for big kids birthdays, stag and and hen dos. If you don’t mind getting a little wet and muddy, it’s the perfect way to reconnect with your inner kid and celebrate a birthday a world away from the bog-standard back garden BBQ or trip to the pub.

A mud trail party guarantees an experience unlike any other. After all, when was the last time you attended a party here you crawled, leapt, laughed, splashed, sploshed, squelched, waded, climbed, helped and hauled all at the same time? Beats a game of pass the parcel any day in our humble opinion.

At a time when leisure activities are becoming increasingly insular, getting out and about and having fun with friends in the fresh air is a perfect tonic to the tired old party routine. Kids can learn the value of teamwork, giving each other a helping hand to overcome obstacles, and enjoy the simple pleasure of messing about and getting wet and/or muddy with their friends. There’s no need to worry about feeding your guests either, we’ll take care of all the catering arrangements (including that all-important birthday cake)

Our water park parties offer the same blend of thrills, laughs and spills as the mud trail. The kids will emerge tired, happy and exhilarated, and unlike the mud trail possibly slightly cleaner than when they went in. With over 200 metres of tricky and challenging obstacles to negotiate, they’re certain to work up an appetite for that party food. All parties take place under the watchful eye of fully-qualified lifeguards, so even if you don’t fancy getting wet or muddy yourself, you can rest assured that your guests are in safe hands.

Of course, we’d encourage you to nurture your inner kid and join in, as it’s not only young children who’ll enjoy everything the adventure park has to offer. Our parties are also make great activities for teenage birthdays, as an alternative school leaving party, or a fun way to celebrate the end of exams. Let’s face it, you don’t really need an excuse to have fun, but who knows; you might find yourself looking for an excuse to come back so it’s handy to have a few readymade reasons in your back pocket.

As always with parties, it’s helpful to know exactly what you’ll need to bring to make sure all your guests have a great time. Full details can be found on the party pages of our website, but here’s a quick overview of what you’ll need to remember.

Things you’ll need.

  • Old clothes for the mud trail.
  • A pair of trainers or water shoes you won’t mind getting wet and muddy.
  • A change of clothes
  • A bin bag for those wet and muddy clothes wouldn’t go amiss.

Things you won’t.

  • Party food.
  • Birthday cake.
  • A wetsuit for the waterpark (We’ll provide one)

We’re proud that we’ve been rated one of the best things to do in Dorset, and that we’ve received so many positive independent reviews from our happy customers. So, if you’re looking for a party celebration with a difference, why not give us a try? Remember, mud washes off, but memories last a lifetime.

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