How To Have a Great Hen Party

Why Dorset Adventure Park is the best place for your bride-to-be.

Hen Parties have one fundamental problem. A Hen Party has to be fun and not just fun but ‘FUN’ with capital letters. FUN to the most fun that fun can be. The problem of course is that the nature of fun is an organic chemistry of joy, a vibe and spark that ignites reactively to the moment. A moment that, with a Hen Party, someone has to organise and orchestrate. Therein lies the rub. ‘Organisation’ and ‘Fun’ are not natural friends. The two do not synonymously sit side by side, least of all the dreaded ‘organised fun’. Marrying the two seems as unnatural as an excel spreadsheet and a bag of party poppers matching on Tinder. 

A recent social media questionnaire revealed that ‘organised fun’ felt like ‘forced fun’ to most women when asked how they really felt about Hen Parties. Nevertheless, for one chosen person, the anointed maid of maids, the responsibility of a Hen Party falls on their shoulders and the elusive capital letters FUN must be organised and attained. The Whatsapp group has to be made, a budget must be drawn up, emails sent, and an invitation list drawn up with all the nuance and precision of a UN Summit. 

The other problem is that a Hen Party has become a pastiche of itself and less and less an individual party for an individual person. Somewhere along the way, it became less about whoever the Bride and her friends were. Instead a rule book stated that it had to be all about inflatable innuendos, drinking like an eighteen year old and often involving fluorescent and feathery outfits no one – and I do mean no one – would ever choose to wear. The recent social media survey revealed that people actually resent spending their money on the things that they feel are ‘supposed’ to do and not on something worthwhile. This is not surprising considering that Stylist magazine discovered that, ‘The average spend on a Hen Do is £507 per person’.

So, how to have a great Hen Party? Like the Nigella of dinner parties and the smoothest of cocktails, at Dorset Adventure Park, we have made the perfect recipe for a great party, great value, great memories and great fun – no capital letters needed.

Hen Party


Think about who the bride is as a person and moments of joy that you have had together. We all have sides of ourselves that we must present to the world for different roles and responsibilities. A parent, A friend, A professional, a Carer, A Creative…whatever it may be, this is the moment before they take on another role, A Wife. The Hen Party is then a chance to go back to a very simple thing, a friendship and a person that you are celebrating by letting go of all these other roles and laughing together once more. An outdoor water park is the very best place to do just that…


Any recipe needs ingredients and the guest list makes up a lot of those ingredients. Again, here is when expectation instead of actuality so often takes over. We forget to give ourselves permission to not invite everyone. It is time to ignore the nagging voice of ‘should’ and simmer it down to a comfortable blend of people. Some weddings invite different people to different parts of the event. There is no reason why this cannot be so for the Hen party too. Another of the brilliant things about having a Hen Party at Dorset inflatable water park is that it is fun for huge ranges of people, regardless of age, occupation and personality. When there is only one common denominator for a mixed group of people, an activity means that no one has to find and search through awkward chats for a common ground. Instead, there is a common objective and activity, a water obstacle course! It takes the pressure off people to feel the need to be their best selves and get out of their own heads, It is silly and carefree, and it makes teammates out of strangers. The water park takes out the ‘forced’ socializing and brings you a whole lot of fun!


Pick your activity. Yes, activity – singular. One great activity to focus the Hen Party around will take you from forced to FUN. The recent social media survey revealed that most women would ideally have one daytime activity balanced with a relaxed evening activity. This reveals that we make the mistake of thinking we have to organise a thousand things to march everyone through, making each more outlandish than the rest in a frenzied attempt to capture some kind of spectacular, anecdotal, hilarity to honour the bride with. Instead, stop, take a breath and time to actually connect. People want value for a moment and an experience that they will enjoy and remember. It doesn’t matter if the invite list you drew up includes ‘the shy one’, ‘the extrovert’, ‘the mother of the bride’ or ‘the random’. What matters is that you do an activity that brings you all together. Throw in a mud trail and a water assault course with wibit inflatables and you’ve got all the different personalities laughing together. It doesn’t matter who has known the bride the longest when you’ve all got mud in your hair and you can’t stop laughing. Embrace your inner-child! At Dorset Adventure Park, we don’t just cater for children’s parties but adult parties too. We bond the most and celebrate the most when we are laughing and working together. A mud course and a water park are the two best ingredients to create those memories.

Those are your three essential and easy steps for how to have a great Hen Party and why Dorset adventure park is the best place for your bride-to-be. We organize the outfits and the inflatables and you just turn up, let go, get silly and run and jump into the fun.

To find out more details have a look here on our website.

Article by Olivia Lowry 2021

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